April Love#1


April Love

This year, Susannah Conway created a new photo challenge (apart from her August Break), April Love, a new opportunity to play with the camera and go out and about. Here was the program for the month:

Day#1: My morning view
Teaching at 8am is tough when you're not a morning person...

Day#2: Favorite Flowers (ranonculus)

Day#3: An Inspiring Quote (from Flow Magazine)

Day#4: Shadows

Day#5: My favorite color (is camellia pink a color? It should be!)

Day#6: Touch

Day#7: What nourishes me (sunlight!)

Day#8: From where I stand (street art by Street Bird Crew)

Day#9: 5 years ago (with my Dad...)

Day#10: My Superpower (the cat whisperer)

Day#11: An inspiring person 
I love Elizabeth Gilbert. I can't wait for her new books to come out! She's one of the most inspiring persons I've ever listened to and read.

Day#12: Evening Rituals (herbal tea...)

Day#13: Love Note to Self (making visioning boards for my office and art desk)

Day#14: Current Obsession (succumbing to Project Life...)

Day#15: Yellow

Day#16: 10 Years ago... (at that time, I was fresh back from the US.. It was hard to re-adjust to France. I was a bot lost...)

Day#17: A Life-Changing Book (truly life-changing...)

Day#18: Sweet (Wisteria...)

Day#19: Where I Live 

Day#20: My Scent

Day#21: A Happy Memory (New York in 2011. Great to see the Statue of Liberty but sad to see it on the 10th anniversary of 9/11)

Day#22: Spring/autumn

Day#23: When I was small

Day#24: Trees

Day#25: Simple Pleasures

Day#26: Something beginning with  A 

Day#27: Love (my neighbor, Claudine)

Day#28: Clouds

Day#29: My eyes

Day#30: Thank you

That's it for this year! I really loved this photo challenge. I'll do August Break again this year as I've done these past 2 years, and you?

Sabrina S.


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