My plan for August
When Susannah Conway - my favorite photographer/instructor- announced she was hosting a photo-a-day challenge for this month, it just boosted my confidence to go out and shoot. Photos, not people. Here is where you can find the details (click on the image):
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Every week, I'll post a 7-day recap. That's my little daily snapping. I'll come back in a week to share my photos with you or you can follow me on Instagram.
The other big thing that I'll be doing is going out to discover my city. I've been in Bordeaux since 2004 and I can't really say that I know the city very well, so I decided to take tours, go to exhibits, and just take some random shots, so sometimes, I'll do a recap of something. I really want to improve my eye & photography skills and I really want to go out & see more of what's surrounding me. I can't wait to share my first recap. I've been working on it for days. This weekend, I'll try night shots. We'll see how it goes!
There are more things happening, like preparing the new academic year, improving my diet and exercise routine, finding balance between work and fun, but that doesn't sound fun, right?
I'm also taking some cool classes, more on them when they're complete.
Viva August! Yeeha!
Sabrina S.
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