Storytelling Sunday: Healing through journaling


Oooops, a month passed by yet again… Yesterday, Sian, from From High in the Sky, held her first-Sunday-of-the-month event, Storytelling Sunday. Every month, we all gather our favorite stories and share them in our little group. This year's theme is "Keep your precious." Grab a cup of your favorite beverage and go read a few of them, there's some really good stuff.

I decided to write a few words about my absolute favorite thing to do: journaling. You might think that I'm cheating, because I'll show 2 things I love, but they go somuch together, that I had to put them both. 
As I wrote last year in a guest post I made for Mari L. McCarthy's blog CREATEWRITENOW, I've had a complicated history with writing but since last year, I've made huge efforts in carving time to write as much as I needed. When I decided to pick up a pen again, I searched for THE journal I wanted to fill in. It might sound like a completely vain question to ask oneself, but filling in my first journal was important business back then. The first time I laid my eyes on these journals by Gorjuss, it was love at first sight:
What really struck me was that the little girl had no mouth. In an impulse, I knew that this was exactly what I needed. Little did I know that my choice was no accident, that there actually was a little girl in me that needed to speak. At last. Journaling daily has proved to be the best decision I've made in years. It's such a powerful tool of self-exploration and self-empowerment. I'm reclaiming my voice and owning my story, all the bits of it. It's so liberating. 
This brings me to my second precious thing: my word for 2013 and especially, the little necklace mantra I bought from Liz Lamoureux. I wear it every time I can:
Yes, my One Little Word (a class by Ali Edwards) is HEAL. Journaling is one the most important tools I use to slowly but surely start this long healing journey. Knowing that healing will come someday is like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. It's so much hope…

Have a nice week,

Sabrina S. 


  1. I admire your ability to journal each day. I've tried with little success so I guess I'm not ready yet. Thanks for sharing your love of journaling story.

  2. What a beautifully thought provoking post for Storytelling Sunday! A wonderful reminder that we can be free to choose anything at all as "precious" Thank you

  3. I love keeping a journal and go through stages of being better at it than other times! It is a healing process though and i often write when I am struggling or feel sad!

  4. I too admire you keeping a daily journal. I write 'Morning Pages' when I am stressed and find it completely healing. Love your story and the beautiful necklace.

  5. I tried as a kid to journal everyday but I got bored with it and stopped. I think that I wasn't mature enough to be able to articulate my feelings and thoughts. As an adult I have considered it again but I don't write them down. I think about them while having a cup of tea in the morning. I find even the deep thoughts are healing and so I am sure that your journals will have a similar result.

  6. Journaling every day is always a worthwhile challenge - hope that it helps you heal. It has me over the years, hard still of course.

  7. It certainly sounds like beginning to write was a good decision for you. And I don't think it is vain at all to want the perfect journal to hold your precious thoughts. Those are darling. I look forward to you sharing more with us.


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