Around here... in words and photos


It's not easy to come back on a regular blogging schedule. When you stop for a long while, it gets more difficult to dare write again… I hope this will soon pass…

Ali Edwards started this "Around here" bloghop, so I thought I might share bits of my life right now…

- Journaling. Me right now during one of favorite rituals: night journaling. A lot has been going on these past few months, so taking the time to settle down and pick up my pen before sleeping has really helped me putting things back into perspective and figuring things out. 

- Taking my feet for more walks this past month. I've venturing out more and exploring my surroundings, and trying to establish more habits outside. I need yet to find a special cafe to go journal as I used to when I was living in Portland, OR.

- Visiting the library. School starts in a week for me in university. I had so much to prepare, I'm learning new skills with online teaching. But I want to learn more, so I can create my original content soon. I've been spending most of my afternoons at the library. I love libraries, especially old ones with book walls!

- Taking Susannah Conway's Unravelling class. It couldn't be a more timely coincidence. My mum offered me part of the class for my birthday, so I participate even more than I usually do. We're half way through and I haven't slacked a single week. I love what this class has made me write and the pictures it made me take. Pure awesomeness! (the class, not what I did!). Here is a collage I made using pictures from magazines that I liked:

Alright, that's it for the little snippets of my life. If you like that kind of things, you can visit Ali's page and read the other participants' entries. As for me, I'll try to be more regular here! I wish you a happy end of weekend.

Sabrina S.


  1. This is fantastic! These sound like wonderful things! (And the typewriter picture had me swooning!)

  2. How exciting! Writing in French would be cool!


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